Retail Food Industry Logistics Hospitality Service & Cloud

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High speed metal detector rejection system


Food Industry

Main Features

The MD-700 combines the efficiency and speed of the DIGI intelligent rejector with a market leading metal detector in one unit. The robust stainless steel construction, simple operation and exceptional performance of the metal detector makes the MD-700 a reliable and robust system.


Stainless steel construction

The stainless steel tubular frame construction ensures a high quality, durable and strong structure.


Intelligent detection

To ensure pack rejection, the unit has advanced features such as reject confirmation, bin full and low air detection. Other features include on/off of metal detector and reset of rejector, operated and protected by key lock & reject confirmation check.


Rejector security

The rejector has a enclosed top guard with interlock and lockable bin. The high level warning light system ensures any visual alarm is seen. An audible alarm is also present.


Push arm rejection

The push arm type rejection offers a high speed, accurate and reliable method to reject a wide range of packs.



  • MD-700-WP05-1
  • MD-700-WP05-2
  • MD-700-WP05-3
Pack speed up to 150ppm (dependant on pack size)
Pack size Length 80 to 200mm, Width 40 to 250mm, Height up to 90mm
Metals Ferrous, Non ferrous, stainless steel
Alarms - audible & visual Open guard/bin, bin full, pack confirmation, low air pressure
Construction Stainless steel and anodized aluminium




MD-700 with an alternative metal detector unit

MD-700 with Thermo fisher metal detector

The MD-700 is versatile in its modular construction and can be supplied with an alternative metal detector unit.


  • Is the MD-700 a stand alone unit?
    The MD-700 is fully functional as a stand alone unit. It can also be placed in a production line and linked to up and down stream machines to stop all machines when required.
  • Does the machine stop if there is no air pressure?
    Yes, if the air pressure falls below the pre-set value to operate the machine, the machine will stop and an alarm will sound.
  • Will the machine stop if a contaminated pack is not rejected?
    Yes, if a contaminated pack is detected it must be seen by the pack confirmation sensor when rejected. If not, the machine will stop and alarm will sound.
