Retail Industria Alimentaria Logística Hospitalidad Servicios y Nube

Tips for Improving Picking Operations - From Simple Fixes to Picking System Implementation

Preventing human error is essential to streamlining picking operations. However, reducing human error is not straightforward, regardless of how many verbal reminders are given to staff. While making efforts to raise awareness is not a bad idea, thinking about how to improve the warehouse environment is also worthwhile.

Product Layout
irstly, ensure precise placement of the merchandise on the shelves to eliminate situations where only specific individuals know where items are located. Additionally, consider revising the way items are located on the shelves. Place frequently retrieved items closer to the front of the shelf. While some warehouses group similar items on the same shelves, this can lead to increased picking errors. A better choice is to place similar items on well-separated shelves.

Shelf Layout
Aim to minimize routes by ensuring ample space between shelves. Improving layout reduces travel distance, which decreases transit times.
Digital Picking Systems
To address such challenges, consider implementing a digital picking system. These systems use indicators mounted on the shelves to display necessary picking information, aiding staff in following instructions accurately. Digital systems ensure consistent work quality, even among novices.

Barcode-based Picking Systems
Barcode-based picking systems are also popular. With these systems, staff can accurately retrieve items without having to visually check a list, reducing the risk of picking errors. Additionally, these systems automatically count items. Simply scanning items as they are retrieved provides a precise count, even when faced with a cart stacked full of item boxes.

Efficient Picking Relies on an Optimized Work Environment
Picking heavily relies on manual labor and is prone to errors. Instead of solely relying on double-checking measures, reassess the warehouse environment to aim for efficient operation. Even small adjustments can dramatically improve work conditions. Moreover, with various digital tools available for picking, considering suitable options that meet your needs is definitely worthwhile.
