Retail Industrie agroalimentaire Logistique Hôtellerie Restauration Service et Cloud

Balances libre-service

Balances libre-service

  • aios_WP01_01

    All-In-One Bulk System

    All-In-One (tout-en-un) est LA Solution de DIGI pour le rayon vrac. Des aliments de base aux épices, en passant par  le liquide et même l'alimentation animale, les clients peuvent visualiser le poids et le prix des produits en temps réel directement sur les balances tout en achetant uniquement la quantité dont ils ont besoin. 
    La Solution All-In-One affiche le poids/prix à payer sur le même principe qu'une pompe de station service, ainsi vous pouvez décider d'acheter 300gr d'un produit ou d'en prendre pour 5€, les clients ont la maitrise de la quantité selon leur besoin!
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  • sm6000ai_WP01_01

    SM-6000 AI

    SM-6000 AI infuses enterprise-grade cognitive intelligence into retailers’ operations, delivering high accuracy and recognition speed for rapid product identification. This Edge computing technology grants high-speed performance and can be easily deployed in various settings such as Fruits and Vegetables, Dried Fruits and Nuts to identify loose and bagged produce. 
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  • SM-6000_SSR_WP01_01


    SM-6000 SSR/SSP redefines the new normal for self-service, offering a modern-day approach that brings speed, convenience and adaptability needed in this new era of retail.
    With self-service, shoppers can use a reusable container and purchase just the amount they need, reducing both food loss and plastic waste from single-use containers. SM-6000 SSR/SSP is an easy-to-use self-service scale that supports consumers' eco-lifestyle.
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  • rm5800bs_ai_WP01

    RM-5800BS AI

    RM-5800BS AI is a compact and user-friendly self-service scale AI scale that can be easily deployed in various retail settings to deliver efficient and intelligent operation for both loose and bagged items ensuring a frictionless shopping experience for customers.
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