소매 식품산업 물류 접객업 서비스 및 클라우드

Productivity improvement

Adding a touch of intelligence to your food service counter



Enhance productivity of your food service counter

Looking beyond basic functionality, we enhance the user experience through our unique ESL solution, Hi-touch function, and Queue management system. All improve your customer retention and operational efficiency . . . and increase profits.

소비자 요구

  • 가격의 불일치로 기인하는 고객 불만 제거
  • 속도와 소비자 서비스이 친절도를 높인다
  • 소비자 동선을 최소화 하는 더 좋은 줄서기 관리


Electronic shelf labeling system

Digital display assures timely and accurate updates, enhancing customer shopping experience through price integrity. Wireless updates also bring convenience and flexibility for tag deployment, especially in bigger store layouts. The ESL solution can be operated as a full system on its own or integrated through the SM-5000 series PC scales.

e.LABEL with Hi-touch

With a tap of the e.LABEL, the PLU appears on the screen of the associated PC scales. This eliminates the need to memorize the PLU numbers and eliminates related errors, thus improving the efficiency of operators, who can now get items correct every time.

Queue management and collection system

DIGI queue management and collection system prevents customers from leaving due to long queues. It transforms normal queuing into a systematic way to shorten waiting time and promotes a quicker pace in serving customers. 

Better queue management reduces frustration for both customers and operators. With better customer distribution, both service quality and operational efficiency are ensured. The result is improved customer retention, a more efficient operation, and increase profits.


Technology-driven concept store featuring the latest SM-6000 scale and ESL

Cold Storage Fusionopolis

The interactive customer display screen can play both static advertisements and videos offers an additional avenue to engage with customers when they are waiting to be served at the counters.

Operators can easily highlight the ongoing promotions and upsell to customers via the display screen.”. He observed that customers prefer cooking videos and the tendency of them returns to spend is much higher than watching static advertisements.

Sleek, unique and modern outlook of SM-6000” completes the futuristic store concept, the first fully self-checkout store in Singapore.

Mr.Rolex, store manager of One North Cold Storage
