Retail Industria Alimentare Logistica Ristorazione Vendite e Assistenza

Soluzioni per etichette linerless

Aumenta la tua produttività e riduci l'impatto ambientale con le nostre etichette linerless

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Industria alimentare


DIGI linerless label solution is a sustainable and cost effective sustainable alternative to traditional labels.

With its automatic label cutting feature and no backing paper, linerless labels is the perfect solution for the food industry.

Esigenze del cliente

  • Rendere le etichette personalizzabili
  • Ridurre i tempi di inattività dovuti alla sostituzione dei consumabili
  • Ridurre il costo materiale del packaging
  • Promuovere l'ecosostenibilità
  • Prevenire gli errori umani


Improved productivity

DIGI's linerless labels provide nearly double the roll length compared to conventional labels with backing paper, enabling extended usage and fewer roll replacements. This reduction in replacement frequencies, enhances work efficiency by minimizing downtime. Additionally, reducing the need for frequent replacements lowers the risk of label errors, which often occur during the replacement process due to incorrect label placement or man-made setting mistakes.

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Contribute to zero waste

DIGI's linerless label solution eliminates the need for backing paper, significantly reducing paper waste in food factories. Combined with DIGI's advanced auto-cutting technology, this solution removes unused blank spaces on labels, ensuring optimal efficiency and minimal waste.

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Reduce material handling cost

Our linerless label solution enables production of labels in diverse layouts and sizes using a single type of label roll, streamlining operations all food factories. This simplifies inventory management, reduces logistical expenses, and maximizes storage efficiency compared to conventional options.
