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Products found for “Labelling

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  • DIGI linerless labels-WP01

    DIGI linerless labels

    DIGI's original linerless labels are designed to take full advantage of the functionality of our label printers and do away with the paper liners that used to be commonplace in label printing. In addition to there being zero liner waste,  label length is automatically adjusted to the amount of information on the label for each item, thereby minimizing label size. So, linerless labels simultaneously reduce the environmental impact of liner waste and make labeling less expensive and more efficient.
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  • dps5000eplus_WP01_01

    DP-5000e Plus

    The DP-5000e Plus PC-based Prepack Label Printer offers a space-saving and versatile solution. Boasting high-speed performance, it streamlines prepacking operations, ensuring exceptional efficiency without compromising on workspace.
    • Enhance efficiency with the Auto Linerless Dispenser Kit, streamlining workflow for continuous label printing
    • Accommodate a wide range of packing needs
    • Small Footprint
    • Compatible With DIGI ESL & POS
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