Products found for “DAS”
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This product is not available yet. DIGI Shop&Go
Shoppers scan items using their smartphone as they shop. Then payment at the self-payment station takes just 30 seconds! Shop & Go creates a brand new shopping experience that dramatically reduces a major source of stress for shoppers – waiting in line to check out. This reduces wasted time and improves effciency.... moreProduct categories
This product is not available yet. Matex-A100
The Matex-A100 is a sorting system that incorporates PLT series wireless display indicators to enable layout-free sorting. By networking the PLT series, GP series printers and terminal devices, with DIGI's original package software, this is a cost-effective system. The sorting layout or location can easily be changed because components are connected wirelessly. Sorting work proceeds smoothly when picking faces are secured as required by the amount of material.... moreProduct categories