Retail Food Industry Logistics Hospitality Service & Cloud

Products found for “Food Loss

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  • SM-6000_SSR_WP01_01


    SM-6000 SSR/SSP redefines the new normal for self-service, offering a modern-day approach that brings speed, convenience and adaptability needed in this new era of retail.
    With self-service, shoppers can use a reusable container and purchase just the amount they need, reducing both food loss and plastic waste from single-use containers. SM-6000 SSR/SSP is an easy-to-use self-service scale that supports consumers' eco-lifestyle.
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  • SM-120LL-WP01


    The SM-120 is a practical, functional scale that gives you ultimate flexibility with labeling. Linerless labels are auto-sized to fit the label contents. You can easily display all the necessary information, including nutrition facts and allergens, while eliminating wasted label space that is common in labels of fixed size. The scale is capable of printing receipts as well. 

    Cloud connectivity provides many benefits, such as remote maintenance. Enjoy additional functionality such as the 'floating clerk' and fiscal memory functions. SM-120 combines efficiency and reliability that will enhance the operations of your shop floor.
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