Perakende Gıda Endüstrisi Lojistik Konuk Ağırlama Hizmetler ve Bulut

POS Management Cloud Solution

Emerging from the cloud, a new work paradigm changes the roles of head office and locations


Genel Bakış

Cloud services tie people together in a system that protects your assets

Information such as sales performance data is automatically collected from POS stations and shared not only with shops, but with remote sites such as the head office and managers on the road.

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Ability to check sales anytime, anywhere contributes to quick decision-making capability

Cloud-based systems let you see the data you need whenever you need to see it. Shop sales performance can be reviewed from any computer or tablet that has an Internet connection. You can check data from the shops, the head office, or on the road whenever you want to review location sales data or need to prepare meeting materials, etc. For example, comparing product sales at locations side by side provides information you can leverage to push promotions.

Prevent entry error by centralizing master data management

Using this system, you can centralize management of all master data formerly managed at the shop level. This does away with issues such as category or price variances between different locations. It also reduces the time required for site managers to deal with such issues, leaving them free to put effort into managing the shop.

Build the optimum system for minimum initial investment

When considering POS displays, whether to use a cloud-based solution or to purchase a server may differ according to shop or business size. You can proceed with store development plans as you decide which type POS system combination provides the maximum cost benefit.

Be confident that your data is safe even in the event of disaster

Moving data storage from shops to a data center protects against its loss even if a natural disaster prevents shops from opening. Protecting valuable data in this manner is an important component of business continuity planning, and is vital to restoring operation quickly for customers in affected areas.

Choice of applications helps provide the optimum system for new businesses

Applications are made specifically for the product sales and retail industry, allowing you to select just the ones you need, with the ability to add more later in accordance with your business plan. This system meets the needs of new store owners by helping to minimize store opening costs, allowing selection of just the applications necessary for immediate use and making it easy for busy managers to keep track of sales.

Ability to introduce new applications just when they are needed helps to reduce wasteful outlays.
