Retail Food Industry Logistics Hospitality Service & Cloud

Self Order and Payment Kiosk Solution

Boost kitchen efficiency, reduce customer waiting time

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Automate order and payment through the kiosk. Reduce manpower requirements.

Orders are automatically sent to the kitchen from the kiosk terminal once cashless payment is made by the customer. This reduces the outlet's counter staff requirements, thereby reducing overall manpower needs.

Customer Needs

  • Reduce manpower needs by self ordering
  • Minimize errors in order preparation
  • Entice customers to order more items


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Reduce customer waiting time

Once payment is completed at the kiosk, the order is sent to the kitchen and immediately printed out on the kitchen printer. This helps to alleviate bottlenecks at order counters and reduces customer waiting time.

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Reduce manpower requirements

With the use of self order and payment kiosks, fewer staff are needed to man the counter during peak hours. They can then be redeployed to other areas of the operation, like food preparation.

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Reduce discrepancies in cash received

When customers pay for their food using electronic payment, there is no physical cash exchanged and thus the possibility of discrepancies in cash received is reduced.
