Retail Food Industry Logistics Hospitality Service & Cloud

Products found for “Weighing: Non-food factories

1 - 4 of 4 items
  • DS-502-WP01


    Packed with user-friendly features for weighing operations in any type of location. 
    - Light and compact design
    - IP65 protection
    - 6-digit LCD display
    - 1,000 hours of continuous use with 4 C-size dry cell batteries
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  • DS-530-WP01


    DS-530 supports wide range of weighing operations in tough environments.
    - Large 5-digit display
    - Over 200 hours continuous use on six C-size dry cell batteries 
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  • DS-560-WP01


    The DS-560 offers a variety of weighing capacities to suit various applications, yet provides compact design, bright LED display and user-friendly features such as a one-touch  digital tare subtraction function.  Rechargeable batteries optionally available. 
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  • DS-673-WP01


    Special wet-proof technology with IP65 rating and high brightness LED display adapted for use in various weighing environments.
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