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Packaging” 에 대한 제품들을 찾았습니다.

1 - 13 of 13 items
  • aw5600fx-2_WP01_01


    최신세대 DIGI의 통합된 세미자동계량라벨포장기입니다. AW-5600FXII는 연약 트레이, 불규칙한 형태, 나아가 트레이 없이도 포장이 가능합니다. 컴팩트한 설치면적에 효율적인 사용이 특징입니다.   
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  • li5600-2_WP01_01


    LI-5600II은 점포에서의 사전 포장작업의 효율을 최대화하고, 컴팩트하고 공간 절약의 설계로 되어 있습니다. 그 컴팩트한 디자인은 자동 및 반자동 라벨링을 위한 심플하고 유니크한 솔루션을 필요로 하는 다양한 어플리케이션으로 기회를 제공합니다. LI-5600II은 사전 포장작업공간의 MAP포장기 등 기존 기기와도 높은 호환성이 있습니다.
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  • rgw560-2_WP01_01


    기존의 라벨을 사용한 상품과는 다르게 보다 매력적인 상품전개를 가능하게 한 띠 포장으로 무심결에 손으로 쥐고 싶게 만드는 패키지를 실현합니다.
    상품의 내용을 가리지 않고 식품표시에 필요한 내용은 정확하게 표기할 수 있습니다.
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  • TCS-205-WP01


    일반적인 자동 계량 장치로의 대응이 곤란한, 폭넓은 범위의 식재료・식품의 정량 작업을 효율적으로 실시하는 탁상형 조합 계량기입니다. 정량 계량 작업의 스피드 및 정밀도와 수율을 큰폭으로 향상시켜 중량 부족을 발생하지 않는 안심 계량을 실현합니다.
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  • w5600srx_WP01_01


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  • dmd200_WP01_01


    The DMD-200 is designed to safeguard product integrity by preventing or detecting foreign objects within packages. Its advanced automatic phase adjustment effectively eliminates product interference, enhancing detection sensitivity across various packaging types.
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  • dps5000eplus_WP01_01

    DP-5000e Plus

    The DP-5000e Plus PC-based Prepack Label Printer offers a space-saving and versatile solution. Boasting high-speed performance, it streamlines prepacking operations, ensuring exceptional efficiency without compromising on workspace.
    • Enhance efficiency with the Auto Linerless Dispenser Kit, streamlining workflow for continuous label printing
    • Accommodate a wide range of packing needs
    • Small Footprint
    • Compatible With DIGI ESL & POS
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  • dps5000ePlus_WP01_01

    DPS-5000e Plus

    The DPS-5000e Plus PC-based Prepack Scale Printer offers a space-saving and versatile solution. Boasting high-speed performance, it streamlines prepacking operations, ensuring exceptional efficiency without compromising on workspace.

    • Enhance efficiency with the Auto Linerless Dispenser Kit, streamlining workflow for continuous label printing
    • Accommodate a wide range of packing needs 
    • Small Footprint
    • Compatible With DIGI ESL & POS
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  • li5600c_WP01_01


    The LI-5600C maximizes the efficiency of in-store pre-packaging operation.  It provides opportunities in various applications that require a simple, unique solution for automatic labeling. The LI-5600C is also highly compatible with existing equipment such as MAP/SKIN packaging machines in the pre-packaging area.
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  • lx5600_WP01_01


    Setting A New Standard by DIGI
    DIGI proudly presents the LX-5600, revolutionizing backroom operations with enhanced productivity and efficiency with the world's first weigh-seal-label MAP tray sealer.
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  • pw310ma_WP01_01


    PW-310MA is a compact gas flush MAP packaging machine ideal for packaging meat, seafood, vegetables and cooked foods. MAP packaging effectively extends the shelf life of food while protecting its original freshness, flavor, and appearance.
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  • pw400_WP01_01


    PW-400 is a fully automatic cardboard and tray skin packaging machine that can be applied to various industries and products, including meat, seafood, personal care, and daily chemical products.
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  • pw5600ll_WP01_01


    PW-5600LL is versatile and efficient MAP/skin packaging machine with an integrated automatic weigh labeler offering 3 different sealing modes - MAP (Modified Atmosphere Packing), VSP (Vacuum Skin Packing) and Seal Only (Natural gas).
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