소매 식품산업 물류 접객업 서비스 및 클라우드

A completely new kind of self-order food ticket-vending system for the hospitality industry. Delious LIO is a stylish and pleasant-to-use solution that helps resolve serving personnel shortages.



주요 제원

With a sleek and stylish form factor that's only 500 mm wide, Delious LIO offers a new experience in self-order food ticket vending. With its large-size portrait-oriented touch-panel,  an industry first, Delious LIO makes self-ordering a delight. Not only can it help resolve serving personnel shortages that the hospitality industry currently faces, its multi-language capability provides a novel self-ordering solution that's ideally suited for inbound tourism.  


22-inch Portrait-oriented Touch Panel - an Industry First

Delious LIO's  spacious 22-inch portrait-oriented touch panel - a first for the industry - lets customers select menu items  at  a glance. The portrait orientation directs the customer's gaze from top to bottom, seamlessly guiding them from menu selection, through to the order total and payment. The large, easy-to-view display gives maximum layout flexibility.


Universal Design in a Sleek 500 mm Wide Form Factor

Its ergonomic design considers the average height of Japanese women between 18 and 65 years of age, which is 157 cm. And, the Delious LIO offers a sleek 500 mm wide form factor, in spite of the fact is has a large-capacity internal coin hopper. The design also takes security into account by making the ticket paper roll unit separate from the main unit, so the door to the coin hopper area does not need to be opened during daily operation. 

Multi-settlement and Multi-language Capabilities (Optional)

By adopting the Payoss multi-settlement payment system,  in addition to allowing payment with major credit cards, such as VISA, MasterCard, and JCB, customers can use a variety of e-money payment methods. This wide range of payment options further enhances the customer shopping experience. And, with language support in English, Chinese, and Korean, Delious LIO is an excellent way to help satisfy the needs created by inbound tourism.


Hospitality Business Operation Support in the Cloud

Using the Delious Cloud service, the diverse data needed for operating a hospitality business can be managed on the network. From sales data management to attendance control, Delious Cloud provides solid support for your hospitality business management needs. 


Stylish Look Offers a Wide Range of Installation Site Options

Delious LIO has a simple and stylish design that turns the traditional ticket vending machine image on its head. This fresh new look makes it a perfect match for stores and facilities that you'd never imagine would use a ticket-vending machine. Of course, it's great for restaurants, but it can also be used for specialty and fast-food stores, and hot spring facilities -  just about any industry and location.  



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Dimensions (mm) W: 495 x D: 320 x H: 1,510
Net Weight 105kg
Display size 22 inch vertical type



Kitchen Display & Customer Display (Coming Soon)

When a food ticket is purchased, the order is displayed on the Kitchen Display so that preparation can start as soon as possible. When the order is ready, an "Order Ready" message is displayed on the Customer Display and a voice notification is played.

Take-out Order POS Register (Coming Soon)

You can also connect a POS Register at the take-out counter. Because the Kitchen Display shows both eat-in and take-out orders, the kitchen can prepare the orders in the correct sequence without worrying about where the order originates.

Kitchin monitor   Kitchin printer

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터치패널 발권기「DeliousLio」도입으로 이상적인 매장 운영 실현

Japan Ramen Food Hall (Ocean Inc.)

요코하마의 임해부에 펼쳐진 「요코하마 미나토 미라이 21」은 요코하마 랜드마크 타워나 붉은 벽돌 창고등의 랜드마크가 늘어선 국내외의 관광객으로 붐비는 인기의 관광 장소.이 지역에 2019년 10월에 오픈한 '요코하마 해머헤드'는 여객선 터미널과 '음식' 을 테마로 한 체험·체감형 상업시설이나 호텔로 이루어진 복합시설입니다. 1층에 있는 라멘점 5 점포와 바로 구성되는 라멘 콤플렉스 「재팬 라멘 푸드 홀」에서는 각 점포에의 터치 패널 발권기 「DeliousLio」도입에 의해서 이상적인 점포 운영과 관리가 실현되었습니다.
