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WebSpeezaT / WebSpeezaK-WS02

The customer and checkout staff work together to make checkout speedy. Staff don't handle cash, making checkout more hygienic and eliminating cashier errors.

WebSpeezaT / WebSpeezaK


Características principales

Teraoka's Smile Self  Checkout System is a self-payment checkout register where staff scan and bag the purchased items while the customer takes care of the payment. So, the customer and checkout staff work together to make checkout speedy. Three models are available, letting you choose the perfect match for your sales environment and store space: Specialty Shop model, Mini-supermarket model, and Countertop model.


Customers and staff work together for speedy checkout

With  Smile Self, staff scan and bag while the customer makes the payment, which streamlines the checkout process and shortens checkout waiting time. Customers can insert cash at any time while the staff are bagging or boxing the items. And Smile Self's voice guidance  feature makes operation simple and easy, even for first-time users.


Eliminates cashier errors and gives checkout a cleaner image

Because customers make the payment themselves, staff do not need to handle cash. This eliminates cashier errors, such as wrong price input, bill miscounting, and wrong change amounts. In addition, because staff do not directly touch the money,  checkout is more hygienic. This adds to the store's clean image and gives peace of mind to customers, particularly in stores that carry food items.


Next-customer item scanning increases checkout efficiency

Checkout staff can start scanning items for the next customer in line while the current customer is paying. This increases overall checkout efficiency and makes for a smoother checkout process for staff.


Simple operation makes serving customers easier, for a better shopping experience

Smile Self relieves checkout personnel of the most stressful part of their job --  handling the customer's cash.
System operation is simple: scanning product barcodes and making selections on the touch panel. This significantly shortens training time and reduces stress for checkout staff.
And this gives staff the leeway to focus more on customer service -- communicating with customers and improving the shopping experience.



WebSpeezaT WebSpeezaK
Interface USB port Back side USB2.0x6 (2 space)
Front side USB2.0x1 (1 space)
Serial port RS232Cx5 (3 space)
LAN 1000/100/10BASE-T(RJ45) x1
Scaner port RS-232C x1
Drawer 24Vx1 (6 pin drawer)
Keyboard/Mouse Front side Keyboard
Oparator display Touch panel 15.0 inches TFT coler XGA
Customer display Touch panel 7.0 inches TFT coler WVGA
Mechanical key Number of keys 68 keys(Dust control/Drip-proof type)
Scaner 68 keys(Dust control/Drip-proof type)
Printer Type Thermal printer
Print speed 300mm/sec 200mm/sec
Print width 58mm
Cutter Partial cut system
Receipt unit Drop in system
Power Supply Main ATX  AC100V 50/60Hz
UPS Internal×2 (for blackout shut down)




WebSpeezaT Specialty Shop Model

WebSpeezaT + Tall Counter

Combines WebSpeezaT with a tall counter to make bagging and boxing easier.  
Also ideal for bakery checkout.

WebSpeezaT Mini-supermarket Model

WebSpeezaT + Low Counter

Combines WebSpeezaT with a low counter that's just the right height for setting down a shopping basket.  
Ideal for stores with limited floor space, such as small-scale supermarkets and mini-supermarkets. 

WebSpeezaK Countertop Model


Use the countertop for easy handling  of checkout items.
