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Products found for “Pesage - étiquetage

1 - 6 of 6 items
  • aw5600-2_WP01_01


    AW-5600ATII is a high-performance automatic weigh-wrap-label system designed for operational comfort and environmental friendliness. Reduces work load with easy and simplified operation, and conserves film and label consumption to achieve lower cost and a smaller environmental footprint.
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  • aw5600cpr-2_WP01


    The AW-5600CPRII IWC  is a fully automatic, integrated weigh/wrap/label system designed for in-line production and equipped with centering device. 
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  • aw5600-2_aーi_WP01_01

    AW-5600ATII Auto-Infeed

    The AW-5600ATII Auto-Infeed is high-performance automatic weigh-wrap-label solution designed for easy and efficient operation, as well as for environmental concerns by reducing film consumption from its super-stretch function and eliminating label base paper from Linerless solution. 

    The automatic infeed conveyor further enhances operation efficiency by building full in-line production without manual infeeding. The flexible tray discharge directions provides more options for users to optimize machine layout in order to utilize space and achieve the most efficient operation and high productivity. 
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  • DIGI linerless labels-WP01

    Ticket Linerless

    Le ticket Linerless par DIGI est conçu pour pour permettre de profiter pleinement de la flexibilité de ce support. 
    Vous ne consommez que le papier nécessaire selon les produits sans vous soucier de la taille de l'étiquette ni avoir de grandes étiquettes vides. En outre, lorsque vous etiquetez vous ne générez pas de déchets grâce à la suppression du papier support.
    Cumulez les avantages, grâce à la technologie à massicot automatique, utilisez le ticket linerless en offrant du confort à vos équipes.
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  • dps5600-2_WP01_01


    DPS-5600II is a high-performance pre-pack scale printer. It reduces work load with easy and simplified operation, and conserves label consumption by linerless label auto-sizing and auto-cut feature to achieve lower cost and a smaller environmental footprint.
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  • li5600-2_WP01_01


    The LI-5600II maximizes the efficiency of in-store pre-packaging operation and has a compact, space-saving design.  Its compact design provides opportunities in various applications that require a simple, unique solution for automatic and semi-automatic labeling. The LI-5600II is also highly compatible with existing equipment such as MAP packaging machines in the pre-packaging area.
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