Retail Industrie agroalimentaire Logistique Hôtellerie Restauration Service et Cloud

Products found for “Self-ordering

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  • Delious 複数店舗向けオーダーエントリー-WP01


    Delious offrent une gamme de solutions adaptées à votre restaurant. Les bornes Delious améliorent aussi grandement la rentabilité du restaurant lorsqu'il est utilisé avec le Delious CLOUD, système back-office.
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  • delious-lio_WP01_01.jpg


    With a sleek and stylish form factor that's only 500 mm wide, Delious LIO offers a new experience in self-order food ticket vending. With its large-size portrait-oriented touch-panel,  an industry first, Delious LIO makes self-ordering a delight. Not only can it help resolve serving personnel shortages that the hospitality industry currently faces, its multi-language capability provides a novel self-ordering solution that's ideally suited for inbound tourism.  
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